I thought (hoped) he was kidding, but no, he wasn't. The line that tied the boat to the dock had broken, and the storm had blown it into the bay. It was sitting right next door in fact. The two of us went out into the rain and anchored her down for the night. We thought we would just push her free the next day, then take her out for a spin around the lake and go swimming in the rain. Simple enough.
Things are never that simple though. Unfortunately the boat was stuck in the mud. Really stuck. In order to do any sort of pushing, we had to get into the muck with her. Before I knew it, we were chest deep in stinky muck, trying to find some footing. There wasn't any, just roots, weeds, sticks, and other unidentified objects that kind of freaked us out. For an hour we pushed the boat through the muck, slowly inching forward. Lola was cheering us on from atop the boat. My arms hurt, I could barely hang on, and did I mention it smelled really bad?
When we finally cleared the weeds and were able to lower the engine into the water, Ryan climbed back into the boat to start her up. I hung onto the back, dragging behind her until I was unceremoniously hoisted into the boat by my husband. When we got to deeper waters, Ryan and I jumped in to wash off the mud. It was everywhere. In my pants, my shirt, my underwear. What's a girl to do but go skinny dipping? We had the lake all to ourselves and enjoyed swimming naked until lightning chased us off the water.