Holland also has a long tradition of polar plunges. They are called New Year's Dives. They have become quite popular is the last decade. Hundreds, if not thousands of tough Dutch guys and girls run into the North Sea on or around January first. But when the temperature drops too far below zero degrees Celsius, those dives are canceled for fear of injuries and hypothermia.
Not in Wisconsin. This year's Polar Jump took place yesterday. And the temperature may have been sub zero, I am sure there were more than enough tough guys, and the occasional tough girl, who were willing to take the plunge.

I'm cold just looking at that photo!
Crazy. Just plain nuts.
Brrrr!! I don't think I could ever do something like that. I have a tough time swimming in rivers that are cold, in summer! :-)
Stopping in from SITs...and sunny Southern California! Wow, it would be nice to visit that weather and slip into the icy cold water...but the beach was way too nice yesterday at 80 degrees :) Can't wait to read more of your adventures!
Hi Hanneke! Thanks for visiting me. I've not met too many Dutch girls (somehow when I was in Amsterdam I either met men or Americans) but your lot didn't seem particularly crazy . . . but I am going to tell you something you likely already know . . . your husband is full-on nuts!!
that would surely put me into labor right?? i totally should have done that.now that would be a sight wouldn't it?
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